D365 Finance & Operations
October 2024 (10.2024.10.1)
Rebranding of our solution in the user interface
‘Ex Arte’ is replaced by ‘9A’ for print destinations
‘9A Document Management’ is replaced by ‘9A Raptor DWH’
Provide a data entity for outbound and inbound load headers (WHSLoadTable)
Provide a data entity for customer collection letter journals (CustCollectionLetterJour)
Document management
Possibility to copy a selection of values for a selected document in Raptor Document Warehouse if Raptor Document Warehouse is opened inside D365FO
Auto update of connection URL from raptor.adultimagroup.com to raptor.9altitudes.com. This is applied automatically during the database synchronization. No further actions are required.
Input management
Force to create a VendInvoiceInfoSubTable if no purchase order lines or product receipt lines are found
Extend query VendInvoiceDocument with field EXADocNo to get documents via the workflow form when std D365FO workflows are used for pending vendor invoices
Changes in the sales tax calculation for voucher templates
No push of tax amounts anymore from Kofax to ledger journals
Only reinitialize invoice if a changed field is part of field group EditableFields
Introduction of invoice default invoice setup
Via this way we can setup default values in general
Also we can override default values for a specific vendor
This step can be triggered with rule ‘Set values from invoice default setup’. This step should be done before call rule ‘Set invoice data’.
July 2024 (10.2024.7.1)
License report usage - it will report license usage and information to a database in 9altitudes tenant. The batchjob will start by it self and is required to run. No sensitive or user information is reported only counts, license name and license serial number.
Document management
Availability of PdfMerge endpoint where we can merge different PDF documents into one PDF document
Input management
Autofill purchase order number in the pending vendor invoice if no purchase order lines or product receipt lines are found
Add field 'Document No' in the listpage overview of pending vendor invoices
Output management
Possibility to choose for PDF or Word as output generation in case of dox42 is used as report provider
Label correction 'Opschonen' within NL as label file
May 2024 (hotfix)
Input management
It was not possible to edit or to save an Imported Invoice since the VendTrans datasource was added to the EXAPurchInvoiceImported form
Output management
hotfix - for XperiDo as report provider
May 2024 (10.2024.5.1)
Document management
Includes API endpoints to get user Info and or to execute query based upon user Info from Raptor Document Warehouse
Extension of distribution setup to copy documents from released product to a purchase requisition line.
Input management
Add table VendTrans as read-only outerjoin In form All imported invoices. Via this way you can add fields from table VendTrans via personalized views In the mentioned form.
Introduction of D365FO workflow for the imported invoices. Via this way you can approve invoices for payment with the workflow. To use this feature the configuration key Purchase Invoice workflow should be activated. If you want to use this feature then the module Process management shouldn’t be Installed.
To allow delete pending vendor Invoices that are created via an Imported Invoice with Invoice type Invoice Register. Delete pending vendor Invoices with Invoice type Pending Vendor Invoice can’t be deleted.
Bugfix where the fixed asset amounts weren't applied In the Invoice totals overview.
Output management
Introduction of XperiDo as new report provider. To use this feature the configuration key XperiDo should be activated.
Bugfix for Electronic reporting as report provider In combination with new reports as customization.
March 2024 (10.2024.3.1)
Throw a clear error message If no token Is generated for ROPC flows
Document management
Use the dino icon to get documents for a linked context via a workflow work Item
Copy the document template when documents are copied via the distribution framework
Possibility to validate the entity configuration In Raptor Document Warehouse from D365FO
Input management
Selection of products receipts for a specific vendor account. This feature give you as end-user a possibility to select product receipts of other non-captured purchase orders.
Invoice totals calculation - force to calculate tax amounts for Imported ledger journal lines via Excel to avoid to post a ledger journal without tax amounts.
Output management
Throw error If no OAuth 2.0 token Is generated for dox42 flows (see section General)
Support for Business Documents with TempDB tables (Customer statement report as example)
Include print destination (PrintMediumType) In the general Info node during XML generation
January 2024 (10.2024.1.1)
Document management
Provide a query to get all purchase orders based upon a posted vendor Invoice
Change behavior of the tag selector dialog so an end user has a possibility to fill a tag code manually without to use the dialog
Improvements for embedded Document Warehouse In standard D365FO document viewer
Support for filenames with spaces and without spaces
Visualization of Images (PNG, JPG, JPEG,…)
Input management
New way of calculation of Invoice totals for Invoice journals and Invoice registers - this can be done with activation of feature ' 9A Document Management - Invoice totals enhancement' In standard D365FO feature management
Add extra validations to avoid purchase Invoice totals calculation If a pending vendor Invoice Is created without a link to our Input management
Bugfix regarding creation of different pending vendor Invoices based upon one product receipt
Output management
Remove double enters during generation of emails based upon predefined email templates
Fixed a bug during XML generation for E-Platform when no document template Is defined
November 2023 (hotfix)
Output management
Hotfix for report providers SSRS and Electronic reporting where it's stuck during document generation
November 2023
Provide a data entity for purchase RFQ headers
Document management
Support for Danish translations
Embed Document Warehouse In standard D365FO document viewer
Useful for scenarios like viewing Instructions In Manufacturing Execution Integration
Useful to view documents In standard D365FO DocuRef form
Distribution setup for Purchase RFQ lines
Distribution functionality from Purchase requisition lines to purchase RFQ lines
Distribution functionality from Purchase requisition lines to purchase order lines
Distribution functionality from Purchase RFQ lines to purchase order lines
Fix regarding distribution on InventTrans level in combination with planned orders
Support for Enterprise Asset Management to open Document Warehouse regarding asset objects
Input management
Support Change Invoice type for all Invoice types
Output management
Support for EMF generation If dox42 Is used as report provider (DISCLAIMER - the dox42 backend per tenant should be upgraded to latest version)
September 2023
Provide a data entity for production order attachments
Document management
Add field 'EXADocumentId' In the standard FO data entity DocuRefEntity
Input management
Fix regarding cash discount amounts for Invoice journals and Invoice register journals
Visualization of Invoice totals In Invoice journal form as factbox
Invoice register enhancements - this can be done with activation of feature In the feature management
Visualization of Invoice totals In Invoice register journal form as factbox
Fix regarding Invoice status Posted when an Invoice Is posted from the Invoice pool
Matching of Invoice totals when an Invoice of type Invoice Register Is registered and It's linked to a purchase order
Visualization of button Invoice pool In the All Invoices form
Output management
Support for query based SSRS reports next data providers In our report setup
Introduction of Advanced email distribution framework - this can be done with activation of feature In the feature management
Fix regarding using archived document as baseline for triggering tag methods
June 2023
Document management
Distribution framework - category can be empty for distribution of purchase order lines, sales order lines, agreement lines and sales quotation lines.
Replacement of legacy Document Warehouse - FO plugin by Document Warehouse Generic plugin
Distribution framework - Include Integration from Released product to Production order
New API endpoints to support fields In the Document Warehouse
Replacement of old PNG Images by SVG Images for the dino Icon - this can be done with activation of feature In the feature management
Input management
Fix regarding cash discount date Initialization - use the Invoice date Instead of date of today
Fix regarding calculation of actual sales tax amounts If an Invoice template Is used
Move logic for add tag methods for Imported purchase Invoices during posting from the central screen to the corresponding forms (Invoice journals, register journals and pending vendor Invoices)
Output management
Change logic in the attachments logic so no attachments are retrieved if the linked record is not found as context in the Document Warehouse (specific for proforma situations)
dox42 Integration - give any exception if the generated document is not a valid document
Dummy SSRS reports for sales and purchase agreements since std FO have one report for both types
Process management
Fix regarding table relations for process history and actors
March 2023
Document management
Fix regarding sending context to Document Warehouse when you are hovering over a form part.
Provide a menu item to open Document Warehouse on purchase requisition lines
Input management
New custom field 'BUYER_VAT_NUMBER' is introduced where the buyer VAT number is populated from Kofax. This can be used as condition in the invoice setup rules. If you want to use it for existing customer, please ask the Raptor team to execute changes in the E-Platform routes.
Change logic regarding calculation from your imported invoice if it's a credit note with a reversed tax amount.
Validate currency code between imported invoice and purchase orders if a purchase order with another currency code is selected afterwards.
Output management
Field Format mapping is available in the Ex Arte Report setup data entity.
February 2023
Document management
Fix regarding sending context to Document Warehouse when you are hovering over a form part.
Provide a menu item to open Document Warehouse on purchase requisition lines
Input management
New custom field 'BUYER_VAT_NUMBER' is introduced where the buyer VAT number is populated from Kofax. This can be used as condition in the invoice setup rules. If you want to use it for existing customer, please ask the Raptor team to execute changes in the E-Platform routes.
Change logic regarding calculation from your imported invoice if it's a credit note with a reversed tax amount.
Validate currency code between imported invoice and purchase orders if a purchase order with another currency code is selected afterwards.
Output management
Field Format mapping is available in the Ex Arte Report setup data entity
November 2022
Availability of table CustTrans as data entity
Availability of table CustInvoiceTable as data entity
Availability of table CustQuotationJour as data entity
Document management
Fix regarding sending context to Document Warehouse when you are hovering over a customer or vendor account number
Distribution framework for sales quotations to customer quotation journals
Distribution framework for customer free text invoices to customer invoice journals
[Technical] method parmDocumentTemplate in class EXADocumentAttachment will be deprecated and is replaced by method parmTemplate
Input management
A button for opening Document Warehouse to display the imported invoice. Via this way the end-user has an ability to view the same imported invoice across whole D365FO application without automatic link
Get invoice date, invoice number and description from previous line when a new line is created in the ledger journals that are created from our solution
Output management
Fix regarding outgoing emails when print destination 'Ex Arte E-mail' is used in combination with 'Activate tracking' is enabled in the report setup
[Technical] Refactoring logic for Ex Arte print destinations selection in the print destination settings form. This allow us to combine our solution with other ISV solutions who rely on custom print destinations.
September 2022
Rebranding to 9A Document Management / Document Warehouse
Document management
Include support for query expressions In the endpoint between D365FO and Document Warehouse
Rename 'Environment' to 'External system' In the 9A Document management parameters form - parameter tab Document Management
Input management
Improvements for rule Set voucher template
Generic solution to add additional tags when an imported Invoice is posted from our imported invoices central screen
Label corrections In general
Output management
Fixed filename Is not applied when primary table name Is not defined In the report setup
Generic solution to add additional tags when the generated document Is archived In Document Warehouse
Business event trigger when an Ex Arte print destination Is executed
Process management
Improvements regarding refresh process history or process actors when switching from an imported invoice to other imported invoices
Last updated