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Azure Key Vault Integration Overview
Starting with the release of 9A Document Management 10.2021.10.1, Azure Key Vault is supported for storing secret keys and passwords for integrations. This documentation provides details on setting up Azure Key Vault in D365 F&O. For more information on specific integrations, refer to related documentation.
Key Resources for Azure Key Vault
Best Practices for Azure Key Vault Usage
Key Considerations
Resource Groups: Resource group usage varies by customer policies.
Use separate resource groups for non-production and production environments.
Setting Up Azure Key Vault for D365 F&O
Create an Azure Key Vault.
Register an Azure App and generate a secret key.
Create an Access Policy in the Key Vault and link it to the App registration.
Adding New Secrets
The creation of secrets depends on the modules the customer has purchased. It is recommended to use the following names, but custom names can be used if necessary:
ContextManagement: Secret key for access to Document Warehouse.
OutputManagementDox42: Client secret for the Dox42 Azure App registration.
OutputManagementDox42User: Password of the user account linked to Dox42.
OutputManagementSmartFlows: API key for access to SmartFlows.
ProcessManagementAgilePointUser: Password of the user account linked to AgilePoint.
Configuring Azure Key Vault in D365 F&O
Once the steps above are completed, configure Azure Key Vault in D365 F&O as follows:
Set the Default Company: Set the company to DAT for Azure Key Vault parameters. The Key Vault parameters are stored per company, but the Raptor parameters are stored globally.
Access Key Vault Parameters:
Navigate to System Administration > Setup > Key Vault Parameters.
Create a new Key Vault setup with the name 'RaptorKeys'.
Enter the following required parameters:
Key Vault URL: The Vault URI (can be found in the Azure Key Vault Overview).
Key Vault Client: Application ID of the App registration used for authentication between D365FO and Azure Key Vault.
Key Vault Secret Key: The secret key from the App registration (step 2).
Create New Secrets:
The secret names must match the proposed names below to ensure proper integration. The "Secret" field in D365FO should match the secrets created in Azure Key Vault (step 3). Set the secret type to 'Manual'.
Format the Secret URL as: vault://keyVaultName/keyVaultSecretName
Activating Azure Key Vault Integration in 9A Document Management
After the setup is complete, activate the Azure Key Vault integration:
Navigate to 9A Raptor DWH Parameters via 9A Raptor DWH > Setup.
Enable Use Key Vault and complete the necessary parameters for existing integrations, including endpoints and user accounts.