Process Management
This document provides an overview the existing features for the Process Management solution.
Last updated
This document provides an overview the existing features for the Process Management solution.
Last updated
Via the module 9A Document Management > Setup > 9A Document Management parameters – tab Process Management can the process integration activated by choose a supported provider. The Process management solution supports two providers at this moment: Business events and AgilePoint. When you want to work with AgilePoint, please activate the Active checkbox and fill the necessary parameters in the group Setup. These fields aren’t used if you want to work with business events.
For AgilePoint the next information is necessary to complete the setup
URL: as example
URL portal: as example
Username: service account (don’t forget the domain) nxone\user as example
Password: password of the used service account
The next functionalitites can be used in the Process Management solution in combination with the Input Management solution. Also the supported providers are mentioned so it is clear which provider can be used with a process functionality.
Start process: stop current process (all process providers)
Cancel process: stop current process (all process providers)
Open Process: get overview of current process (only AgilePoint)
Also two fields are created for the imported invoice with the current process status and the process actual user. Via this way you can create custom views with filters for open processes or to view who is responsible for which invoices.
Since version 10.2021.8.1, it’s possible to put comments before start/cancel a process. This comment is stored in your imported invoice.Before starting with this functionality, the functionality should be activated in the 9A Document Management parameters.
To view in your imported invoice:
Since version 10.2021.8.1, we included support for actors in the Process Management solution. By default we have 6 actors where the first 2 actors are vendor responsible and purchase requesters. The other 4 actors are dummy actors that you can fill manually in your imported invoice. To use it for existing invoices, it’s enough to reinitialize the existing invoices where the default actors are filled in.
vendor responsible: employee responsible from the vendor
purchase requester: requester from the latest purchase order
4 dummy actors that you can overrule it on your imported invoice
How to use it in Power Platform / AgilePoint:
entity EXAProcessInstanceActorsTableEntity
entity public collection name: ProcessInstanceActorsTable
entity public name: ProcessInstanceActorsTable
When a process is started , you can create a HTTP request where you want see all actors for an specific imported invoice with this request example.
dataAreaId : corresponding legal entity
RefTableName: it’s always EXAPurchInvoiceImported
IdentifierId: the unique number of the imported invoice so it’s the document number
Example response:
The current response include the worker personnel number, name and primary email address. The primary email address is coming from the contact information of the linked worker.
Since version 10.2021.11.1, we included support for history in the Process Management solution. The purpose Is to fill every change In the process from the Power Platform or AgilePoint.Via this way the end user have an Idea what Is happens during the flow of current process.
4 fields are foreseen In the current history table and are free text fields without validation or relation to other existing tables.
Created date and time
Actual user
How to use it in Power Platform / AgilePoint:
entity EXAProcessInstanceHistoryTableEntity
entity public collection name: ProcessInstanceHistoryTables
entity public name: ProcessInstanceHistoryTable
When a process is started , you can create a HTTP request where you can create a history record from outside with a JSON payload in the body section.
Example request:
When a process is active, you can create a HTTP request where you can get the whole process history of a selected entity.
Example request:$filter=dataAreaId eq 'frrt'&RefTableName eq 'EXAPurchInvoiceImported'&IdentifierId eq 'FRRT-000000123'
Example HTTP response