Input Management
This document provides a technical overview regarding the Input Management solution.With this documentation it should be possible to create new rules and how to integrate the module with other externa
1. Invoice setup rule engine
1.1. Base objects
All base objects will be described in this chapter to give you an idea which objects should be changed or extended for custom rules.
Base enum EXAPurchInvoiceActionStrategy (is extensible)
Class EXAPurchInvoiceStrategyField : to handle UI actions like lookup in the Invoice Setup form
Class EXAPurchInvoiceStrategy : to execute custom logic based upon the defined strategy
It’s important that every rule have two classes for the UI actions and executing custom logic.
1.2. Use EXAPurchInvoiceStrategyField
The base object EXAPurchInvoiceStrategyField is a way to handle the UI actions in the Invoice Setup form. With this class you can bind a field from the table EXAPurchInvoiceImported with a specific class. You can find a list with all possibilities below.
Bind a field from table EXAPurchInvoiceImported
Bind the field with a base extended data type (if you want use standard lookup)
Define which value should be displayed in the Invoice setup form
Decide or the value can be edited
Decide or the selected value should be validated
Use custom lookup
Every child of this base class have an attribute of type EXAPurchInvoiceStrategyFieldAttribute. You can define an enum value in this attribute. Via this way we can bind the enum values with the used classes.
Please look to the existing implementations to give you an idea how to implement this class.
Custom lookups : EXAPurchInvoiceStrategyField_SetJournalName
Standard lookups : EXAPurchInvoiceStrategyField_SetApprover / EXAPurchInvoiceStrategyField_SetInvoiceType
Empty classes – no specific UI actions : EXAPurchInvoiceStrategyField_SetInvoiceData
1.3. Use EXAPurchInvoiceStrategy
This base object EXAPurchInvoiceStrategy is a way to execute custom logic during the import of invoices. It’s possible to update one field in the table EXAPurchInvoiceImported as pre-action so this field can be used to update a LedgerJournalTable record or a VendInvoiceInfoTable record. Also you can write code to have a post-action like as trigger a business event.
Please look to the existing implementations to give you an idea how to implement this class.
Update a field based upon the strategy field : EXAPurchInvoiceStrategy_SetApprover
Execute custom logic : EXAPurchInvoiceStrategy_SetBusinessEvent
1.4. How to start with development
Create an extension based upon base enum EXAPurchInvoiceActionStrategy
Create a new class based upon EXAPurchInvoiceStrategyField
Create a new class based upon EXAPurchInvoiceStrategy
To be sure, refresh the AOT elements with class EXAPurchInvoiceFlushAOD
2. Public endpoints
The existing data entity EXAPurchInvoiceImportedEntity – imported invoice headers entity include public endpoints for external OData integration with external systems. You need to select an existing imported invoice before calling these public endpoints.
Method approvePayment
2 parameters
parameter transDate
parameter userId (existing userId / if it’s blank the current user will be used)
purpose: to approve the payment for the existing imported invoice
Method approvePaymentV2 (same principle as approvePayment but with a personnel number)
2 parameters
parameter transDate
parameter personnelNumberId
purpose: to approve the payment for the existing imported invoice with a personnel number instead of userId
Method getUrl
no parameters
purpose: get the URL so we can navigate to the existing invoice from external system
Method finishImport
no parameters
purpose: calling it from the E-Platform and let D365FO know that the whole import of an imported invoice is finished
Method checkIfMatchedStatus
no parameters
purpose: to validate or the pending vendor invoice is matched based upon standard D365FO parameters. It will return a true if the whole pending vendor invoice is matched.
Method postInvoice
no parameters
purpose: to post the existing Imported Invoice
returns a true as boolean when the Invoice Is posted
These public endpoints are available only in combination with the Process Management solution:
Method cancelProcess
no parameters
purpose: to cancel current process of the linked invoice
3. Custom fields
For the imported invoice header and imported invoice lines we have custom fields. Via this way we can save extra values from Ephesoft/Kofax/E-Platform in D365FO without developing extra fields.
Used data entities:
EXAPurchInvoiceImportedFieldsEntity – imported invoice fields headers entity
EXAPurchInvoiceLineImportedFieldsEntity – imported invoice fields lines entity
At this moment we have three supported custom fields for the imported invoice header:
Payment Id for the ledger journal transaction lines
Payment Id for the pending vendor invoices
Transaction text for the ledger journal transaction lines
Invoice description for the pending vendor invoices
Buyer VAT number from Kofax
Used to execute specific actions In the Invoice rule setup
4. Business event integration
The Input Management solution has one business event that can be triggered from the rule engine. For a functional overview regarding the rule engine – you can read the functional documentation about the Input Management solution.
The current schema include these fields for the integration:
VendorAccount: table EXAPurchInvoiceImported – field VendAccount
DocumentNumber: table EXAPurchInvoiceImported – field DocNo
InvoiceAmount: table EXAPurchInvoiceImported – field InvoiceAmount
CurrencyCode: table EXAPurchInvoiceImported – field CurrencyCode
InvoiceType: table EXAPurchInvoiceImported – field InvoiceType (enum symbol – None, InvoiceJournal, InvoiceRegister, PendingInvoice)
DebitCredit: table EXAPurchInvoiceImported – field DebitCredit (enum symbol – Debit, Credit)
InvoiceStatus: table EXAPurchInvoiceImported – field InvoiceStatus (enum symbol – Imported, Posted, Finished, Registered, Matched, Canceled)
InvoiceId: table EXAPurchInvoiceImported – field InvoiceId
JournalNum: table LedgerJournalTable – field JournalNum (relation between imported invoice and ledger journal)
TableRefId: table VendInvoiceInfoTable – field TableRefId (relation between imported invoice and pending vendor invoice)
LegalEntity: table EXAPurchInvoiceImported – field DataAreaId
5. Power Automate integration
The Input Management solution provide new data entities for the integration between imported invoices and pending vendor invoices. The public collection names are listed in the list below.
5.1. Public collection names:
EXAVendInvoiceInfoTables: pending vendor invoice header
EXAVendInvoiceInfoSubTables: linked purchase orders for a pending vendor invoice
EXAVendInvoiceInfoLines: lines of a pending vendor invoice
EXAVendInvoiceInfoSubLines: linked product receipt info for a pending vendor invoice line
5.2. How to execute it with Power Automate?
Get pending vendor invoice
https://URL/data/EXAVendInvoiceInfoTables?$filter=TableRefId eq '010691'&dataAreaId eq 'frrt'&cross-company=true
Get purchase orders of a pending vendor invoice
https://URL/data/EXAVendInvoiceInfoSubTables?$filter=TableRefId eq '010691'&dataAreaId eq 'frrt'&cross-company=true
Get lines of a pending vendor invoice
https://URL/data/EXAVendInvoiceInfoLines?$filter=TableRefId eq '010691'&dataAreaId eq 'frrt'&cross-company=true
Get product receipt info of all lines for a pending vendor invoice
https://URL/data/EXAVendInvoiceInfoSubLines?$filter=TableRefId eq '010691'&dataAreaId eq 'frrt'&cross-company=true
The value TableRefId can retrieved on two different ways:
Get the value TableRefId from the entity EXAPurchInvoiceImporteds (imported invoice headers)
Get the value TableRefId from the business event contract (chapter 6)
General advice:
Use keyword select so only used fields are retrieved instead of the whole record
https://URL/data/EXAVendInvoiceInfoTables?$select=TableRefId&$filter=TableRefId eq '010691'&dataAreaId eq 'frrt'&cross-company=true
6. Process management integration
For the AgilePoint NX integration – we will send a list of custom attributes to AgilePoint. Via this way AgilePoint NX can take actions based upon the custom attributes.
Hereby a fixed list with all existing custom attributes:
ErpUrl: root URL of your D365FO environment
EntityName: entityname of the current record
PublicEntityName: public entityname of the current record
PublicCollectionName: public collection name of the current record
TableName: tablename of the current record
RecId: recId value of the current record
RaptorResolveContextJSON: resolve context object for Document Warehouse
ErpUrlEntity: whole URL where you can navigate to the current record
Last updated