9A Raptor Pages in BC
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9A Raptor API Setup
9A Raptor Webservices Log
9A Raptor Integration Setup
9A Raptor Setup (Package) List
9A Raptor Email Scenario Setup
9A Raptor Document History List
9A Raptor Integration Scenarios
This page specifies the API endpoints that Raptor can use to fetch table data
The list will be prefilled with the default API endpoints
Additional custom API's can be added by a BC technical consultant
Verify if the right API's are checked as custom API
Endpoint API: API endpoints that Raptor can use to fetch data
Filter Field: Leave blank
Custom API: this check specifies if the data should be fetched from the default API endpoint or from the Raptor API endpoint
Unchecked: uses the default API endpoint: /api/v1.0/ (before BC21) or /api/v2.0/ (BC21 and onwards)
Checked: uses the custom Raptor API endpoint: api/raptor/custom/V1.0/
Select an endpoint: 9A Raptor API Setup Card
Specify the fields for which you want to track tags
This is necessary for entity config
This is for you to decide
This needs to be linked one-to-one with the entity configuration in Raptor, otherwise the filtering won't work.
This is a logging table for errors and the reason a document couldn't be uploaded to Raptor document warehouse.
General: see 'Configuration Raptor - BC https://app.gitbook.com/o/bqSIsQqz4U4PqAwwBN3A/s/Kfypi8e8luNHtfjQhy6p/~/changes/145/integrations/d365-business-central/configuration-raptor-bc#id-3.-9a-raptor-integration-setup
Event Management
Created By System Tag: Tag for Raptor Documents created by printing document from Business Central. The tag will be used to exclude such documents from being attached to outgoing emails.
Delete Incoming Document Attachments:
Legal entities Tag: advanced filtering to link to company
Email Management: Enable integration of Raptor with the base Business Central emailing framework.
Input Management: Enable certain fields for Raptor setup in Continia document journals.
Partially switches off certain Continia functionalities and uses Raptor document warehouse in replacement
More about this on the following page: https://app.gitbook.com/o/bqSIsQqz4U4PqAwwBN3A/s/Kfypi8e8luNHtfjQhy6p/~/changes/160/integrations/d365-business-central/input-management
Action: Navigate
1) go to 9A Raptor Integration Scenarios - page
2) go to 9A Raptor Email Scenario Setup - page
3) go to 9A Raptor Email Scenario Setup - page
4) go to Languages - page -> NAL Raptor Language Tag
Advanced filtering to link to language
Important: if this doesn't work, this means that you need to create a record
Go to configuration packages -> create a new package -> table ID = 2057742 -> create a record
Make sure the column 'Code' is empty
Then you can fill in the right information and you can delete the previous record
This page defines packages that can be requested by a Raptor Taxonomy job. For each package you can specify the API endpoints that need to be included. You can choose the API endpoints from the list on the ‘9A Raptor API Setup’ page. The package code will be defined in the taxonomy job.
1) This is an example of the setup for a taxonomy job for customers, items and vendors.
2) view API fields
Make sure each API field has the right name, because this is linked with the entity configuration setup in raptor
3) Delta Migration
For each API In the package we can also specify if all data from the endpoint should be forwarded, or only newly modified/created data (= Delta Migration)
This setting should be turned on after a full sync by the taxonomy job was completed. If left turned off, the taxonomy job might take exponentially more time as it needs to re-sync all data In the system every time
4) Last Export DateTime
Specifies when the taxonomy job last ran
Configuration -> jobs -> add a new job
Cron Schedule: specifies when a job will be executed, according to a specific time schedule
Set this up using a site like https://crontab.cronhub.io/
On behalf of: fill in a user
Delta packager: 'Default Packager'
Legal Entity: your environment
OAuth 2.0
Active Directory Tenant: https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantID>
Client app id: Azure Application ID
See Business Central: Microsoft Entra Application-page (don't forget to remove the brackets)
Client app secret: Azure app registration secret
Azure resource: always "https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com"
Delta Fetch Settings
Package ID: package code from the 9A Raptor Setup (Package) List-page
Uri: https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/<Environment Name>
e.g. Production
Raptor Base Path: /api/raptor/custom/v1.0/
Entity Path: /api/v2.0/
Company ID: look up in BC
Companies -> Select company -> Ctrl + Alt + F1 -> 'Id'
Save and activate
This page specifies more functionalities for output management (documents made with BC)
1) Email scenarios for different documents: sales quote, sales order, posted sales invoice, posted sales credit memo, purchase quote, purchase order, sales credit memo
2) you can predefine the addressees by scenario (to, CC, BCC)
3) you can predefine subject and attachment name by scenario and there are placeholders provided
The following placeholders are available:
'%COMPANYNAME%' = the name from Company Information
'%DOCTYPE%' = the Document Type
'%DOCNO%' = the Posted Document Number
'%PARTNERNO%' = the internal identification number of the recipient Customer/Vendor
4) Attachments
Advanced filtering
Link to entity/scenario, sales condition, language and legal entity, other tags
Use subject as description
This page specifies the entities on which an integration is built
For each entity, you can determine which tags/metadata a document receives
Integration Scenario: choose the right scenario (this is hard coded)
Enable: enable scenario
Save Attachments to Raptor Side
Use Specific Document Tags
Document Template Code
You can choose from the list on raptor.9altitudes.com -> configuration -> templates
(A template is a logical combination of multiple tags)
Event Management
FastTab available only for entities where you create documents
Specifies when you want to generate/save documents to the document warehouse
e.g. purchase order
The actions vary depending on the document and what actions you can take to make this document
Page Management
Show actions on card/list page: specify if action 'View Raptor Documents' is visible (on card or list) (1)
Show section on card/list page: specify if the 9A viewer is visible (on card or list) (2)
Integration API
Entity Name: to which entity (from the 9A Raptor API Setup) do you link the scenario
Integration API Fields
Which fields do you want to create tags from: link field Names with tags (that you set up in the 9A Raptor API Setup)
Check the field 'Integrate with 9A Raptor'