Output Management
This document provides an overview how to integrate custom reports with the Output Management solution.
1. Custom reports development
1.1. Supported reports
Hereby an overview of which reports are supported within our Output management solution.
Reports without report contract
Reports with report contract, without report data provider (DP class). In other words reports with a Query as data source.
Supported (= starting from release 10.2023.9.1)
Reports with report contract, with report data provider in combination with a journal & transaction structure. In other words as is the case for commercial documents such as sales order confirmation, sales invoice, purchase order confirmation and so on.
ReportDataProviderBase (tables of type InMemory)
ReportDataProviderPreProcess (tables of type Normal)
ReportDataProviderTempDB (tables type TempDB)
Reports with report contract, with report data provider, without a journal & transaction structure. This is the case for many non-commercial documents that are not related to any posting: HR reports, production reports and so on. But there are some limitations as no automatic archiving, no document title / proforma information are available. If you want to use these advantages, then you can check chapter 3.2.
ReportDataProviderBase (tables of type InMemory)
ReportDataProviderPreProcess (tables of type Normal)
ReportDataProviderTempDB (tables type TempDB)
1.2. Delegates
1.2.1 How to pass the document title and the record Id information?
Create a data contract with as DataContractAttribute as attribute
Make sure two parm methods exists in your data contract
Create an event handler (or copy the original method from EXAPrintReportRecordSelector class – method getFromContractDelegate)
1.2.2 How to pass the proforma information?
You need to validate or the common object can be converted to your table. Via this way, you can decide or it’s a proforma or an effective posting.
2. Business event integration
The Output management solution has one business event that can be triggered when an Ex Arte print destination is chosen during generation of a document. Please keep In mind the current schema can be extended with extra fields If possible but It's Important the payload should be small.
The current schema include these fields for the integration:
Filename: generated filename of the document
DocumentTemplate: table EXAReportSetup – field DocumentTemplate
TableNamePrimary: table EXAReportSetup – field PrimaryTableName
ReportSetupId: table EXAReportSetup – field ReportSetupId
ReportName: table EXAReportSetup – field ReportName
ReportRefLegalEntity: table EXAReportSetup – field RefCompanyId
ReportProvider: table EXAReportSetup - field Provider (enum symbol – SSRS, dox42, SmartFlows, Electronic Reporting)
TableName: table name behind the linked record
RecId:record Id behind the linked record
PrintMediumType: selected print destination (enum symbol – Ex Arte Archive, Ex Arte Screen, Ex Arte Printer, Ex Arte Email, Ex Arte Email interactive, Ex Arte E-Platform)
LegalEntity: current legal entity where the report Is generated
3. Email distribution framework
It's recommend to read the functional part before starting with this chapter. This chapter only includes technical instructions regarding how to extend the email distribution framework. Also, the Important enumerations are extensible as well.
3.1. Data structure
3.1.1 Events
Base enumerations
Sender type: EXAEmailDistributionSenderType
Recipient type: EXAEmailDistributionRecipientType
Event type: EXAEmailDistributionEventType
Table relations
Recipient relation: enforce It with a table relation In table extension
3.1.1. Event groups
Create an event group In your table (CustTable, VendTable, SalesTable, …) based upon extended data type EXAEmailDistributionEventGroupId and create a foreign key relation to table EXAEmailDistributionEventGroup.
3.2. Business logic
3.2.1 Class based upon a new event type
This is a class based upon a new event type based upon attribute EXAEmailDistributionEventHandlerAttribute. Important is to mention the right event type that you've created earlier. Add new methods to execute extra logic if possible.
3.2.2 Code snippet to trigger a specific event type in combination with an event group
Create an object of type EXAEmailDistributionEventHandlerContract to provide a common record like SalesTable, an event type and a dirPartyRecid as optional parameter.
Call the event handler class with the created contract and trigger a specific event group.
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